My son and I played this for hours. I was surprised to see people complain about crashes - except for running the helicopter into things we didnt have any game-ending crashes at all and that includes a few mid-game incoming phone calls. Overall the game is a lot of fun and my helicopter crazed 4 year old son has had more fun with this than the dozen or so other helicopter apps weve bought. I do have some suggestions for the developers. 1. Move the reset button out of the options screem amd instead put this in iPhone settings as other apps do. It was frustrating to my son when he inadvertently cleared his choppers. 2. The land/takeoff needs to be less prone to accidental interaction - placememt is good but perhaps there could be a double tap or sliding mechanism 3. A deployable diver similar to what a real coast guard helicopter crew would have might add a nice dimension - slower than using the hook but less frustrating for smaller children 4. Automatically waypoint to the next fire / rescue instead of requiring the map. Im a developer as well and hope my feedback is useful to you.
stoffeltjie about Helicopter Rescue Team Game